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Thursday, 20 August 2020

Hedgehog summery 

This is my writing we had to look for a animal and there defence and how they hunt for food and the we highlighted words we do not know in yellow and the main ideas in purple we also need to do a summery about the animal we have chosen and use firstly,secondly and thirdly in our summery.
Hedgehogs are cute animals but they can also hurt you when you touch them. To protect them self from prey they normally curl up like a ball and point their spikes out to defend them from their predators. And they also are very helpful for gardens because they eat all the slugs and snails in your garden.
This is my summery about Hedgehogs.
Firstly, hedgehogs are cute animals and secondly, its well known for its spikes thirdly, when a hedgehog is being attacked it curls up like a ball and its spikes stick out leaving anything trying to eat it get spiked. Lastly, they love to eat snails and slugs in gardens.

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